It's fascinating how working from home doesn't seem to give me more time to, you know, work. So these have backed up on me, and I hope to read them...someday:
- Simple Talk has a (year-and-a-half-old) article on MongoDB vs. Azure Document DB.
- UTA professor John Traphagan worries about America's cult of ignorance.
- Washington Monthly's Paul Glastris bemoans how the press is making the Clinton Foundation in to the new Benghazi.
- Fallows' 95th Trump Time Capsule entry points out the simple logic of Trump refusing to show his tax or medical records.
- I recently discovered Chicago's smallest neighborhood, the Villa.
- Lake County, just north of Chicago, demonstrates the profound differences between rich and poor school districts.
- Another year-old article, this one in Slate, lists all the hip-hop references in Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hamilton.
OK, so, that's going to take a few minutes...