What a day. I thought I'd have more time to catch up on reading up to this point, but life intervened. So an hour from now, when I'm cut off from all telecommunications for 9 hours, I plan to sleep. And if I wake, I'll read these articles that I'm leaving open in Chrome:
- More fun from The Daily WTF
- A Chinese research paper on cyber sovereignty (recommended by Bruce Schneier)
- Gulliver predicting the demise of the A380
- My local business newspaper predicting problems for Illinois because of the Durbin-Trump feud
- Washington's local newspaper predicting problems for the U.S. if the president can't make a deal to keep the government open
- New York's local newspaper reporting on the lawsuits around Net Neutrality
- The Washington Post reminding me that Chicago isn't really that cold
And now, I head to my airplane.