Before I link to anything else, I want to share Ray Delahanty's latest CityNerd video that explores "rural cosplaying." I'll skip directly to the punchline; you should watch the whole thing for more context:
- Josh Marshall implores people, one more time, stop giving the OAFPOTUS head space when he says dumb shit.
- Fareed Zakaria marvels at how weak Russia has become.
- Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) continues the long tradition of high-ego, low-skill politicians completely failing at their jobs.
- ProPublica exposes UnitedHealthcare's internal process to lower its own costs (read: increase its profits) by systematically failing autistic children.
- Forget pipelines and fracking; data centers specializing in crypto mining have become the biggest threats to the environment.
- In March, Transport for London will raise Tube fares about 5%, for example raising the daily cap on zone 1-2 fares from £8.50 to £8.90.
There is some good news today, though. In the last 6½ hours, the temperature at Inner Drive Technology World Headquarters rose almost 9°C (15°F), to an almost-balmy -3.5°C. The forecast says it'll keep rising another 12°C or so through Sunday. So our first cold snap of the winter appears to be behind us.