While I'm trying to figure out how to transfer one database to another, I'm putting these aside for later reading:
- Chicago Magazine thinks global warming could be worse for Illinois than previously thought. (But we're still going to do better than Florida.)
- Citylab reviews Sarah Williams Goldhagen's new book on the science behind appreciating architecture.
- Conservative (!) columnist Jennifer Rubin believes her party can no longer defend our national interests or our Constitution.
- Krugman once again points out the cruelty and fraudulence of the Obamacare repeal bill.
- New York Times business columnist James Stewart lays out the problems Ayn Rand-inspired managers are having. (He doesn't mention my business-world bête noir, however. My realbête noir is also not mentioned.)
- And James Fallows realizes he has to jump into the fight once more, now that he's back in DC after a six-month absence.
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