I'm chasing down a bug that caused what we in the biz call "unexpected results" and the end-users call "wrong." I've fixed it in both our API and our UI, but in order to test it, I need the API built in our dev/test environment. That takes about 18 minutes. Plenty of time to read all of this:
- Ruth Marcus wants you to really think about Jean Carroll's testimony in her defamation suit against the XPOTUS.
- Tom Nichols sees narcissism, not "misguided patriotism," as the root of the classified intelligence leaks endangering the US.
- Jamelle Boule reminds the Chief Justice of the United States that when Congress calls, he needs to answer.
- Alex Shephard tells us what we can all see: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) sucks at his job.
- Tim Murphy can't wait for Twitter to die so news stories no longer quote "another Twitter user" ever again.
- ProPublica exposes the dangers children face when trains park across their route to school, forcing them to crawl over (or under!) them.
Finally, the Times explains how last year's 257 traffic fatalities in New York City undermine the claims that "Vision Zero" is working. But Strong Towns already told you that.
OK, build succeeded, fix is now in Dev/Test...on with the show!