This week's temperatures tell a story of incoherence and frustration: Monday, 26°C; Tuesday, 16°C; yesterday, 14°C; today (so far), 27°C. And this is after a record high of 33°C just a week ago—and a low just above 10°C Tuesday morning.
So while I'm wearing out the tracks on my window sashes, I'll have these items to read while my house either cools down or warms up:
- A Colorado Republican wants to create an "electoral college" for the state that would give one vote to each county to elect the state governor. The 14th Amendment wants to have a word with him.
- Like most people who breathe, Michelle Cottle is glad to see the back of Madison Cawthorn.
- Matt Ford would like to see the back of Justice Clarence Thomas (R), who "has gone full hack."
- The US Census Bureau reported that it under- and over-counted 14 states, including Illinois (1.97% undercount) and New York (3.44% overcount). Sigh.
- Illinois has started issuing craft grow cannabis licenses, with preference for majority Latino- and Black-owned businesses.
- Chicago has requested $400 million of the $2.9 billion transportation package the President signed last month. The money would go to storm sewers, highway reconstruction, and the CTA.
And finally, Ian Bogost feels elated that cryptocurrencies have crashed, particularly because he doesn't own any.